

1. Cover letter, Native Language: 求职信
2. Definition: A letter sent with, and explaining the contents of, another document or a parcel of goods
3. Sample sentence: I need a cover letter to find my jobs.

1. Duty, Native Language: 责任
2. Definition: Was what you need to responsible
3. Sample sentence: your Duty was do the best on your internship.

1. Employee, Native Language: 雇员
2. Definition: A person employed for wages or salary
3. Sample sentence: Was a worker

1. Criticism, Native Language: 批评
2. Definition: The analysis and judgment of a literary or artistic work
3. Sample sentence: The teacher can Criticism you.

1. Flexible, Native Language: 灵活
2. Definition: flexible rubber seals.
3. Sample sentence: you make this so Flexible.

1. Evaluate, Native Language: 评价
2. Definition: Form an idea of the amount
3. Sample sentence: teacher Flexible you was good

1. Recommendation, Native Language: 建议
2. Definition: something that is recommended as advisable.
3. Sample sentence: I Recommendation go to see the teacher.

1. Wages, Native Language: 工资
2. Definition: A fixed regular payment.
3. Sample sentence: How much your Wage to the working.

1. Harassment, Native Language: 骚扰
2. Definition: Was someone to bother.
3. Sample sentence: I dont like someone to Harassment me

1. Novice, Native Language: 初学者
2. Definition: A person first time to do this job.
3. Sample sentence: I am a Novice in here

1. Reliable, Native Language: 可靠
2. Definition: consistently good in quality or performance.
3. Sample sentence: you is a Reliable person.

1. Task, Native Language: 任务
2. Definition: A piece of work to be done or undertaken
3. Sample sentence: this is your Task.

1. Employer, Native Language: 雇主
2. Definition: A person or organization that employs people.
3. Sample sentence: I am is your Employer.

1. Co-worker, Native Language: 同事
2. Definition: the act of define  or making.
3. Sample sentence: my Co-worker working to some department.

