

May 24

Dear: Howie Square

First I have to said thank you to you because you give a a good opportunity to work on the visiting neighbor so I can learn new skills and get a lot of experiences by working here. That was the great time and I had a lot of fun in take care of the elderly. Also during on this internship you teach me how to write the report and that helped me to improved my writing skill. Time is flying, my internship was end on May 18.
I was so miss you and I hope we can have another opportunity to working with each other in the future.


Jerry Mai



1. Cover letter, Native Language: 求职信
2. Definition: A letter sent with, and explaining the contents of, another document or a parcel of goods
3. Sample sentence: I need a cover letter to find my jobs.

1. Duty, Native Language: 责任
2. Definition: Was what you need to responsible
3. Sample sentence: your Duty was do the best on your internship.

1. Employee, Native Language: 雇员
2. Definition: A person employed for wages or salary
3. Sample sentence: Was a worker

1. Criticism, Native Language: 批评
2. Definition: The analysis and judgment of a literary or artistic work
3. Sample sentence: The teacher can Criticism you.

1. Flexible, Native Language: 灵活
2. Definition: flexible rubber seals.
3. Sample sentence: you make this so Flexible.

1. Evaluate, Native Language: 评价
2. Definition: Form an idea of the amount
3. Sample sentence: teacher Flexible you was good

1. Recommendation, Native Language: 建议
2. Definition: something that is recommended as advisable.
3. Sample sentence: I Recommendation go to see the teacher.

1. Wages, Native Language: 工资
2. Definition: A fixed regular payment.
3. Sample sentence: How much your Wage to the working.

1. Harassment, Native Language: 骚扰
2. Definition: Was someone to bother.
3. Sample sentence: I dont like someone to Harassment me

1. Novice, Native Language: 初学者
2. Definition: A person first time to do this job.
3. Sample sentence: I am a Novice in here

1. Reliable, Native Language: 可靠
2. Definition: consistently good in quality or performance.
3. Sample sentence: you is a Reliable person.

1. Task, Native Language: 任务
2. Definition: A piece of work to be done or undertaken
3. Sample sentence: this is your Task.

1. Employer, Native Language: 雇主
2. Definition: A person or organization that employs people.
3. Sample sentence: I am is your Employer.

1. Co-worker, Native Language: 同事
2. Definition: the act of define  or making.
3. Sample sentence: my Co-worker working to some department.