


Planet Order:1 from the Sun
Mass:3.30X1023kg     Diameter:4.879km
Rotation:58day          Revolution:88day
#of moons:0

Planet Description:-surface has many craters and high cliffs
                              -no atmosphere
                              -temperatures ring from 425C during the day to ~170C at nigh

2 Interesting Facts:-closet of the sun
                              -has no moons


Hurricane Irene Project

1.What is a hurricane?
  Is the strong wind together.
2.What is a high tide and what causes it?
 The moon,sun and earth in one lone the water follow moon.
3.What does saturation (zone) mean?
  The saturation is save the water.
4.What is flooding and why is it dangerous?
  A place covered by water this dangerous because can kill people, break crop and break the house.
1.What is something that you liked about this mini project?
  I learn how the make hurricane and have what effect.
2.What was difficult for on this project?
  I do this project difficult is so many work to do it.
3.What would you change about your work on this project?
  I doing this project will change 
4.How did this project help you learn about hurricane irene?
  This project help me